Talk To A Tax Lien Expert Today! (301) 818-0405
Talk To A Tax Lien Expert Today! (301) 818-0405

Your Facilitators For Baltimore Real Estate Tax Lien Sales

Every year in the spring, dozens, hundreds, or more tax liens on Baltimore real estate plots or buildings are put up for auction. For anyone looking to invest in Baltimore properties, this is an exceptional opportunity. However, it is an opportunity best navigated with the help of competent tax lien sale attorneys like the specialists at LewisMcDaniels.

What Are Tax Liens?

An IRS tax lien is Uncle Sam threatening to seize a property until its owners have cleared their property tax debts. In Maryland, these liens get filed with the Circuit Court or County Clerk, and the county or city will auction them off to the highest bidder to try to recover as much of that essential tax revenue as possible.

These auctions are called Tax Sales, and in Baltimore, they happen in May. But if you are interested in making money or acquiring property through a tax lien sale, you should start earlier in the spring, in late February or early April, when the list of liens is made public.

After all, a lien means that if the debt goes unpaid, the holder can eventually seize the property.


Talk To A Tax Lien Expert Today! | (301) 818-0405

Why Do Tax Liens And Sales Present A Unique Investment Opportunity In Baltimore?

Tax Lien Lawsuit in Baltimore - LewisMcDaniels Buying a tax lien is better than just buying debt because a tax lien has the collateral of the property attached. After you purchase one or more Tax Lien in a Baltimore Tax Sale, it is now to you, not to the government, that the debt must be paid. On top of that debt, additional fees and interests add up over time, meaning that in just four to six months, your return could be as high as 25% or more. Unlike most unpaid debts, however, tax liens are likely to be paid because if the property owner does not do so within six to nine months, you can start a foreclosure procedure against the property. This means that if those debts and fees and interest payments are not made, you end up with the property.

LewisMcDaniels: Paving Your Path To Tax Lien Profit

While investing in Tax Liens is a lucrative opportunity, it is far from being risk-free or without effort. And it is on a tight timeline. There are only a few months between the moment the latest round of tax liens are published early in the year and the Baltimore tax sale they are auctioned off at. This means you have a very limited amount of time to study the properties, calculate what bids would make for a profitable outcome, and consider exit strategies for the rare case where you end up with the property. This is difficult enough to do if you live in Baltimore and are intimately familiar already with the tax lien sale process. But if you do not live in Baltimore and are from another city, state, or even country, it is almost impossible to handle this process on your own. And far riskier. Instead, you should reach out to an experienced local tax lien sale attorney, like Baltimore’s Ryan Lewis of the law firm LewisMcDaniels, who has helped investors make millions already off these opportunities and more.

Talk To A Tax Lien Expert Today! | (301) 818-0405

An Attorney To Help You Navigate The Tax Sale Timeline

Tax liens and returns on a desk - a glimpse of financial obligations and paperwork - LewisMcDaniels The first step to making money with Tax Lien investments is mastering the tight timetable for doing so in Baltimore.
  • In March, tax liens to be put up for sale are published in Baltimore newspapers,
  • In April, the government sends out its final warnings to defaulting taxpayers,
  • In May, the auction is held on any remaining tax liens,
  • Debtors can pay these back to you at any time after the end of May (this is called redemption)
  • Four months after you buy the lien, fees and costs can begin to be added,
  • You can start a foreclosure procedure to seize the property six months after the sale for non-owner-occupied properties, and nine months after for owner-occupied properties
Depending on your priorities and your exit strategy, an early foreclosure may be ideal or avoided. Either way, our attorneys will help you optimize your revenue stream over the entire timeline. If the lien is ever contested, or litigation arises over competing claims or liens, we are well equipped to handle any litigation that arises to ensure you get the complete property and a full return on your tax lien investment.

Call Us To Invest In Baltimore Tax Lien Opportunities

If you are looking to see a substantial return on your tax lien investment, or acquire property well bellow the market value in Baltimore, LewisMcDaniels is the Maryland law firm you need. Whether you are a local investor or are eyeing Baltimore properties from afar, our tax lien sale attorneys can guide you through the process of snapping up multiple tax lien certificates and, eventually, properties. Time is ticking, however. The tax lien notifications will soon be published, so the time to act is now. Call (301) 818-0405 to get in touch with our Baltimore tax lien attorneys and get started on your next lucrative real estate investment.

Talk To A Tax Lien Expert Today! | (301) 818-0405

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